Due Process (10)Full unit name: Due Process
Last updated: 13.07.2024 10:56:38
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (10)
  • Miel Muwn was held captive by Justicars' Brigade
  • Jiik was held captive by Justicars' Brigade
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The captain, right? About time you got here! Thanks to you, the Justicars snagged my brother Jiik. Never should've tangled ourselves in your cloudhead business.
    Kid, I have no idea what you're talking about.
    Typical cloudhead. Don't know which way is up unless a turfer explains it. Listen hard and wise up!
    What do you mean by "cloudhead"?
    You're from where the air is thin and heads are soft. This is turfer land. Wise up and grab some ground! I'm Juul. My brother Jiik and I were watching Skavak for you. Big mistake. Nothing but trouble. Things always go bad for turfers when cloudheads come down here. Never should have took this job.
    Are you done berating me yet?
    I haven't even started. You kept me worrying and waiting a long time. You live in the clouds. You don't know anything about turfer land.
    I've got problems of my own. Just tell me where Skavak is.
    You get yours, and us turfers take care of ourselves, right? Wrong! Now you get to work like us. Jiik and I were tailing Skavak when the Justicars came after us. Jiik stuck to Skavak. I drew the Justicars. I lost those helmet-brains easy, but they snagged Jiik and hauled him off to their detention center!
    Why would the Justicars arrest your brother?
    I don't know. Those lock-steppers make up the rules as they go.
    Maybe I can help.
    Like you have a choice. Our bad luck is your bad luck. You better wise up and start caring about me and my brother. Jiik knows where Skavak went, but he didn't have time to spill it to me before they snagged him. You want Skavak? Better prowl into the Justicars' detention center and free my brother.
    Jailbreaks aren't exactly easy, kid.
    Like I don't know that? This is life in turfer land. Welcome to it. But listen, I got an idea how to do it. There's ways into the detention center besides the front door. An old industrial gas tunnel runs right under that place. The tunnel fumes won't kill you, but you'll come out smelling like rancor droppings. Still, it's the smart turfer's way inside the place.
    I happen to like the smell of rancor droppings.
    I can never tell if you cloudheads are joking or just stupid. Once inside the detention center, you have to bash all the Justicar droid-eyes. That's how they track intruders. If those droid-eyes aren't rubble, the Justicars will know your face. You don't want that.
    I've never heard of a "droid-eye" before.
    Whatever you call them - it's tech that watches the hallways, okay? Make sure you get all the droid-eyes. It's the only way we get out of this clean, understand? Don't just stand there goggling at me. Get Jiik out of that detention center before something happens to him!
    If I do this, you have to stop calling me a cloudhead.
    Don't bet on it. Take this holotransmitter with you. I want to talk to Jiik as soon as you free him.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Juul
  • Voidhound received Holotransmitter from Juul
  • Voidhound's Followers destroyed 8 Security Cameras
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    Upstanding citizen? Hello! Over here! Help me!
    Miel? You're in jail? I take it you met the Justicars.
    Miel Muwn
    They are lawbreakers pretending to be peace officers. That is a severe offense under Statute 52974 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. The fugitive Skavak ambushed me down here and fled. The Justicars interrupted my pursuit and demanded I surrender.
    Did you at least manage to wound him?
    Miel Muwn
    Skavak and I exchanged fire without incident, unfortunately.
    You were supposed to contact me when you found Skavak.
    Miel Muwn
    I would have, but my holotransmitter was destroyed during Skavak's ambush.
    I must yield to local constables when I am out of my jurisdiction. I did not want to harm people who I believed were local authorities, so I surrendered and allowed the Justicars to bring me here.
    The Justicars are a bunch of crazy vigilantes.
    Miel Muwn
    I became aware of my error when they put me in a cell. Luckily, they forgot about me when they brought a male human in for interrogation.
    Corso Riggs
    Might as well spring the little fella while we're here.
    Don't worry, I won't leave you in there.
    Miel Muwn
    This is the second time you have come to my aid. I owe you a significant debt. I must re-arm and renew my pursuit of Skavak. Thank you for your help, upstanding citizen.
    Get out of here before the Justicars come back. I'm really not an upstanding citizen.
    Miel Muwn
    You are too modest. Of everyone I have encountered on Coruscant, you are by far the most upstanding. When I return to Sullust, I will file a Form 453391 and request an official commendation for your actions today.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Miel Muwn
  • Voidhound's Followers rescued Miel Muwn
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    I... I feel like my insides are coming out.
    Your sister sent me. On your feet, Jiik. Let's get you out of here.
    Heh. You're definitely not a Justicar. All they ever called me was "gutter scum."
    Jiik? It's me, Juul. Are you alright? What did those Justicars do to you?
    Hey, sis. Knew you wouldn't forget about me. Who's the cloudhead?
    The captain Darmas asked us to help. What happened when you followed Skavak? How come the Justicars snagged you?
    Saw something I wasn't supposed to. You won't believe this, but I caught the Justicars trading supplies with the Empire.
    That's a strange friendship.
    Some turfers think a few Imperials stayed behind after the war ended. I always thought it was just stories to scare the kids.
    What about Skavak?
    Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about him, what with the beatings and torture.... Skavak and the Imperials were laughing about something. Not sure what. The Imperials took Skavak into the Works.
    Tell me about the Works. I've never heard of this place. What's it like?
    The Works is nothing but toxic ruins and berserk droids. People who go down there don't come back. If Skavak dropped to the Works, you may as well go home. You wouldn't last five minutes.
    Corso Riggs
    We're pretty good. Bet we last ten minutes.
    Skavak stole my ship, and I'm not letting him get away. If Skavak and the Imperials can survive down there, so can I.
    That ship must be something if you're willing to die over it. You're a lot braver than I thought. Or dumber.
    I'd like to go home, now. This is the worst party I've ever been to.
    Jiik, remember the tunnel we found? Crawl in and come to the warehouse. I'll hide you from the Justicars.
    Great. I'm gonna smell like rancor droppings for a week. Thanks for busting me out, Captain.
    You're hurt pretty bad, Jiik. Sure you can make it?
    I've been beat up a lot worse than this. Well, not really... but I'll be alright.
    Jiik, take my holotransmitter from the captain before you leave. I'm not letting you out of my sight.
    Don't be so dramatic. It was only a little torture. Good luck down in the Works, Captain. You'll need it.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Juul, Jiik
  • Voidhound's Followers rescued Jiik
  • Jiik received Holotransmitter from Voidhound
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
After meeting
Hot Pursuit
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
with Darmas Pollaran
Darmas Pollaran
Supporting Characters
, Voidhound
Major Characters
and Corso Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
traveled to the Justicar territory to meet his informants, a brother and sister named Jiik
Minor Characters (TOR)
and Juul
Minor Characters (TOR)
Meeting Juul, she was unhappy seeing the smuggler. She blamed Voidhound for her brother Jiik being taken by the Justicars
Justicars' Brigade
Planetary and Sector
into their detention center, as they were tailing Skavak
Supporting Characters
for the smuggler. Jiik knew where Skavak went, but he was unable to tell Juul before he got taken. So in order to find out where Skavak was, the smuggler had to bust out Jiik. To prevent being seeing on the surveillance of the detention center, holocameras would have to be destroyed first. Juul gave the smuggler a holotransmitter
, as she wanted to talk to Jiik as soon as he was free. With that, the duo
Voidhound's Followers
Temporary Unions
headed for the detention center.
Once they arrived at the detention center, the duo destroyed several security cameras
Wall Camera
Ground Vehicle
to move unseen towards the cells. With the help of their fellow Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
, they dealt with
Killed in Custody
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the Justicar prison guards and droids. When they reached the cells, they found Miel Muwn
Miel Muwn
Minor Characters (TOR)
, locked up and asking them for help. Miel got ambushed by Skavak who ran away. The Justicars interrupted his pursuit of Skavak and asked him to surrender, which he did since he believed the Justicars to be the local law. The smuggler then freed Miel from his cell, so he could continue his pursuit of Skavak as well.
When Miel was free, the duo moved on to the next cell, where Jiik was. The smuggler called Juul on the given holotransmitter to talk to Jiik, who was very beaten up by the Justicars. Jiik mentioned he saw something he wasn't supposed to: Justicars trading supplies with the Empire
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
. Skavak was with the Imperials, laughing about something, before joining the Imperials in the Works. Juul mentioned the Works were toxic ruins, full of berserk droids where they wouldn't last five minutes, although Corso said they were pretty good and bet they'd last at least ten. After that, Jiik was freed, and he would meet his sister to hide from the Justicars.
See also
Related organizations
Justicars' BrigadeStructureGround vehiclesWall CameraSecurity Cameras
Sullustan Constable BrigadeStructureCharactersOfficer Miel MuwnSentient speciesSullustanOfficer Miel MuwnRanksOfficerMiel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1Miel Muwn
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsRolesLeaderVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmuggler
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's Followers
JiikRelationsWorked for Darmas Pollaran as Informant
JuulRelationsWorked for Darmas Pollaran as Informant
Miel MuwnMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel MuwnWeapons and EquipmentArmorSullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
Wall CameraUsed byJusticars' BrigadeSecurity Cameras
SullustanWere among members ofSullustan Constable BrigadeOfficer Miel Muwn
OfficerMembershipSullustan Constable BrigadeMiel Muwn
LeaderMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound
InformantRelationsDarmas Pollaran employed JuulDarmas Pollaran employed Jiik
Complete list

Full unit name: Due Process Last updated: 13.07.2024 10:56:38